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Management Canadian AOFS Soccer League - CASL decided to play soccer season 2022 (some Covid-19  restriction is still to be folow). The season is going to be short. For all future information, you can follow us on FaceBook LINK HERE, or at the current website.

Any Q please contact us at 


We did it. The playing league was sort because of covid19 issues. In the end, we have champions for AOFS/CASL 2021, it is London City. Congratulations to all League staff and clubs members of the AOFS/CASL especially to the London City Soccer Club. See you soon for the indoor season, please keep checking our website for more details.

Any Q please contact us at 


We are happy to anonce that we will play Canadian AOFS Soccer League - CASL. We working hard to make a start to soccer season 2021. COVID 19 pandemic improved and the government of Canada and Ontario allowed conditional outside sports activities with government COVID19 regulation. We will play the first soccer league game on August 01, 2021. Keep checking our website for more details.

Any Q please contact us at 


Currently Management Canadian AOFS Soccer League - CASL working hard to start soccer season 2021. COVID 19  issue improve but IT/s still around, and the government of Canada and Ontario allowed conditional outside sports activities with government COVID19 regulation. Keep checking for future notes.

Any Q please contact us at 


Management Canadian AOFS Soccer League - CASL decided to play soccer season 2021 but we will wait until the conditions of COVID 19  improve and are allowed by the government of Canada. Keep checking for future notes.

Any Q please contact us at 


It is about time for the new clubs or Investors to join us at the Canadian AOFS Soccer League. If you are IN or OUT side Canada and like to invest, even move to Canada you are welcome. Like to have a soccer club and move players IN or OUT Canada you are at the right place.

Please contact us at 


Canadian AOFS Soccer League have their champions for season 2019, HAMILTON CFC.
Congratulation to Hamilton CFC and thanks to all participants in CASL season 2019. See you soon for the indoor season and outdoor season 2020.

New session 2020 contact us at 


Canadian AOFS Soccer League is in full test mode and results are visible. CASL half-season is behind us and we approaching a point of the success. We continue to improve and at the end will prevail all the problems and make a CASL even better next year - season 2020. If you like to join us as a new club or as a player you are welcome.  [ ]


Canadian AOFS Soccer League will start Jun 2, 2019, Milton Community Park Santa Maria Blvd, Milton, ON L9T 6W2, between London City and Comet FC, kick off at 1:00 pm.Field Map [ MAP LINK ]


Canadian AOFS soccer league is the new professional semi-professional soccer league in Canada. With some clubs from CSL and OPDL and newly formed clubs, Canadian AOFS  is proud to present the new, fresh and European style of playing a soccer/football in Canada. 


All Home/Away games club members of CASL will play at [ MAP LINK ]Milton Community Park Santa Maria Blvd, Milton, ON L9T 6W2.For a tryout with league club members and play professional soccer you can,   REGISTER HERE.


We will bring some pro players from Europe to play at a high level of soccer and pass their expertise to young players from Canada. Also, we have contacts with soccer clubs in Europe and there are possibilities to send Canadian talent soccer players over there. TRANSFER PLAYERS LINK HERE .

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